This is what you need:
A big lamb leg or any larger chunk of mutton
Fresh ginger
Garlic (10-12 cloves)
Lemon juice
Aubergine (peeled)
Salsafy or other colorless beet roots
or whatever greens you prefer (but the meat goes well with winter and fall/autumn greens)
Stab the lamb leg several places with a thin, long knife to make incisions. Put chopped garlic cloves into the incicions as deep as possible. Flavor the lamb leg in salt, pepper, harissa and the smashed fresh ginger.
Place the lamb leg into a deep oven pan or baking pan; then peel and cut the greens into large chunks and place it around the lamb leg in the pan. Flavor with salt, pepper, soya, harissa or other spices of your linking and finish off by pressing some fresh lemon juice over the entire thing.
Fill the pan with fresh water until it sparsly covers the greens and reaches the lamb leg.
Place the pan into the oven; first at very high temperatures for about 15 minutes, then roll the lamb leg over and set the oven to 175 degrees (C). Let the lamb leg and greens roast for about 2-3 hours, depending on the size of the leg. Roll lamb leg over every hour, but leave the greens in the water until last hour; then roll the greens every half hour.
Take it out and let the meat juice gather in the lamb leg. After about 20 minutes, you can cut the meat into pieces to serve with the greens.
To be eaten with bread, couscous, macaroni whatever.
It´s not much work in the kitchen; you can entertain your guests while the lamb is baking in the oven - but the end result is a delicious - lazy style - dinner.
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