Dear Maiuna u from Darna right! so u will probably know the recipe of BAKALAWA ELDERNAWIYAH RIGHT .. Mum Forgot the Recipe or she is pretending to forget it so i don't ask her to do it for us , but i am insisitng to get it from anywhere because i can't imagine ramadan without it .... so please if u know it let me know the recipe ..
yep,I'm from Darna! but my mom isn' the only recipe i got is Baklawa Trabilsia!!!....but don't worry, i'll ask 3amti about the dernaye recipe...though, there's only one problem , she's doing 3omrah at the moment, so you have to wait till she gets back!, inshallah and if you were interested in the trabilsi recipe let me know, ok?
Thanx Maiuna but Trabilsi Bakalawa is not diffecult to find , well yeah my mum never even thought of makin' it but i buy it from Sweet shops . but i still prefer the Dernawi Bakalwa " because i don't eat it always , but bakalwa trabilisyah i eat it every week almost" ok lets wait for ur Aunt to come from 3omra ... there is also the thing i only ate it in Darna which is SWABE3 ZIENAB , mmmm i love it .. maybe u can put on the page the MATHROODA Recipe , it's easy and Libyans all over the country loves it ..
you are welcome Trabilsia!
Dear Maiuna
u from Darna right! so u will probably know the recipe of BAKALAWA ELDERNAWIYAH RIGHT ..
Mum Forgot the Recipe or she is pretending to forget it so i don't ask her to do it for us , but i am insisitng to get it from anywhere because i can't imagine ramadan without it ....
so please if u know it let me know the recipe ..
yep,I'm from Darna! but my mom isn' the only recipe i got is Baklawa Trabilsia!!!....but don't worry, i'll ask 3amti about the dernaye recipe...though, there's only one problem , she's doing 3omrah at the moment, so you have to wait till she gets back!, inshallah
and if you were interested in the trabilsi recipe let me know, ok?
Thanx Maiuna but Trabilsi Bakalawa is not diffecult to find , well yeah my mum never even thought of makin' it but i buy it from Sweet shops . but i still prefer the Dernawi Bakalwa " because i don't eat it always , but bakalwa trabilisyah i eat it every week almost" ok lets wait for ur Aunt to come from 3omra ...
there is also the thing i only ate it in Darna which is SWABE3 ZIENAB , mmmm i love it ..
maybe u can put on the page the MATHROODA Recipe , it's easy and Libyans all over the country loves it ..
let's wait for my Aunt to come back home, and inshallah i'm going to get all the recipes from her, and start posting about everything Dernawye
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