I love Ramadan and all the cleansing and renovated spiritual strength that accompany it, but everyday there is crazy hour. Yes, you read it right: CRAZY HOUR.
Right now is crazy hour in Doha. 2 pm, when working homemakers like me get out of the office and pass by the supermarket to get a couple of ingredients that, no matter how much bulk shopping i do before the 1st of Ramadan, are missing. Today it was vital that i get them, the onions and parsley.
I could tell most people at the supermarket had just come from the office because of the way they were dressed and how the circles under their eyes were giant, a telltale that they spend too long in front of the computer without coffee or tea, giant panda bears in suits and dishdashas and designer abayas (i live in Doha, Qatar).
It's that time when people just want to get home and have a nap, but instead they have to buy something. And we're all hungry and thirsty and everything starts to look good and smell good. So we go crazy and buy all the unnecessary things. We go crazy and almost fight for that last bag of freshly baked bread.
Yeah, so, crazy hour.
My husband says the hour before Asr until the actual iftar, his mom would send him to play football on the street because she needed to be alone. I can so relate. I really wish my husband would come home and have a nap until Maghroub. Seriously. Because it's my crazy time and i know i should be calm and getting the benefits of being humble and pious and observant -- but instead i am just raging mad. Because i am trying to cook for two and habibi comes in and complains its not enough food. And then he decides to cook an extra dish. Which in the end he does not eat because it turned out to be too much food.
But today, i had my dose of crazy at the supermarket and i just got a call saying there won't be crazy time at home because husband will work until 4. Which is great so i can cook without him hovering around the kitchen.
I still have to look into the fridge and decide what to cook. And when i do, i'll let you guys know. With pictures of the final result, inshallah.
Thanks for letting me into the recipe center. I'm really happy to be here -- it's not just crazy hour talk, i really am happy.
Ramadan Kareem everyone!